CREWimpact - Crewing and Payroll
“The right crew in the right place on time and well informed”
CREWimpact delivers fast access and efficient administration of the personal information of seafarers, their contact details, employment, certification and career development path.
The payroll is specifically designed for the Maritime industry. Automatically producing basic pay based on crewing activities, award bonus and reconcile adjustments while catering for exceptions.

SAFETYimpact – Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)
“Compliance married with insights and improvements”
Enabling collaboration of all related parties involved in the principles of quality, health, safety, and environment operations - both from the office as well as the vessels.
Including the tracking, evaluation and reporting on events, their findings and the related actions leading to better decision making and achieving optimal safety results according to company policies and procedures.

QUALITYimpact – QA Manuals & Change Management
“Make your seafarers aware of you procedures and policies”
Control the production, storage, management and distribution of electronic documents.
Yield effectiveness and the ability to reuse information. Control the flow of the documents.
Including request for change, briefings & acknowledgements.